Friday, June 29, 2007

The Haps

I haven't posted in a while. I'm not going to assume you've all been waiting with baited breath for the next post. Hell, I'm not even sure anyone's reading anymore. But, here's an update if you took the time to pop over to MRF for one last look or something.

I tried to find a part-time job that wouldn't make me crazy to leave time and energy for musical pursuits. Unfortunately, I'm such a quick trip from crazy that wasn't possible. Since Bryan and I need to support our nasty habit of eating three times a day, I took a full-time job. This is my second week working at an optometrist's office, and I have to admit it's not bad. Today's the first time I've picked up a guitar in almost two weeks, which sucks, but I'll just have to work harder on that. So, there we are.

Do me a favor, will ya? Give me the much-needed ego boost of a comment or two! Let me know what's shaking with you. Your not the only one who misses reading stuff, you know...


Anonymous said...

Hello! I have been checking on you! I've also searched in vain this summer for part-time work of the non-crazy-making variety. I don't think it exists!!!

Bryan said...

Wew....I thought my favorite blogger had quit her pursuit of internet rockstardom. 8-) Glad your back in the saddle...I hope this isn't just because you finished that Nora Roberts book and have nothing better to do. he he.

Anonymous said...

Just think of your new full time job as a "part time" job with better benefits, like money and stuff. Giterdone! Remember...A bad day at work is better than a good day on Welfare!

Anonymous said...

I miss reading stuff!

Anonymous said...

Ack, eating is overrated. Hope the full-time job isn't crazy-making either!