Monday, May 7, 2007

Back and Badder Than Ever

It's been almost a month since my last post, and boy, a lot has happened. Here's the overview:
  • took a trip to Seattle/ Bend, OR
  • took another trip to Mississippi/Florida
  • resigned my position (Not related to the trips)

Unfortunately, I'm back on the job market. It was my decision to leave, but it happened more quickly than I would have liked. Basically, the hours were expanding and the limited hours were really my favorite part. What can I say, sometimes you just take one on the chin. Don't worry. That's about twice the number of words on that subject I intended to write, so we're all done here.

Let's just say I saw a lot of family on the two trips, and to quote my brother-in-law Alan, "family makes the best blog fodder." Indeed. Upcoming posts will include such family/friend antics as: a practical joke with a five-year setup, crooked cops, my new mommy, crazy late night radio ads in Mississippi, and more.

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